5 comments on “Home Security -over IP…

  1. Just stumbled upon your blog. I have the same panel and am looking to get the TL-150. Does it all you to configure the alarm through the web interface? I hate navigating through the menus on the keypad.

  2. Yeah, looks like a screen scape, since you have to add Zone names manually…still makes the TL-150 have a bit more use then what's out of the box. Thanks for the post…didn't know about the app! Now to see if it can talk with DLS2002 to allow over-the-wire programming…have my doubts but checking into it anyway.

  3. "I made a custom port-forward in my router, setup the G1 DSC Alarm Monitor and I am now able to arm my alarm from inside my car" how did you do this? Can you expand a bit on how this is done? I'd like to put the TL-150 on my DSC1832. thanks.

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