22 comments on “IOCell NetDISK 352ND Review

  1. Thanks Broo. You saved me from repeating your experience, and wasting most of my precious Saturday. Nice job on the review, great pictures. “Ready Bake drive oven” – not what I’m looking for.Cheers

  2. Thanks for your review! I was at Fry’s and used my cellphone to look up your review. Your review saved me much headache and money!!!

  3. Thank you Broo!! I have been researchin for days my diff home storage opts when I saw this in the Fry’s ad. Did a Google search and found your review which saved me a 35 min drive to the store just to get p*ssed and have to drive back and stand in the return line for an hour. Great review, excellent detail and pics a plus!

  4. I purchased this device and noticed no fan as I was about to install the hard drives. I have some extra PC fans so I am contemplating drilling holes in the plastic sides and mounting the large fans on the outside. The power supply that came with the device is rated for 12VDC @ 5A. Each hard drive require 12VDC/0.55A so it should be able to handle 2 hard drives, two fans, and the circuit board which most like draws around 250 mA. I don’t have the fans in front of me or I’d list their power requirements.

  5. Thank you Broo. Like another poster, you saved me (2) trips to Frys, 1 to buy and 1 to return. I appreciate the time it takes to post this reviews for the benefit of others.

  6. Dear Reviewer’s and customers. We appreciate your reviews and feedback. We at IOCELL have taken your comments seriously and have redesigned the 352UN to address this problem by adding substantial venting and a fan. The new model will be shipping in about two weeks and under certain circumstances will be willing to ship some replacement units for testing and reviews. We apologize for any problems you may have experienced. Please contact support@iocellnetworks.com.

  7. Wow, seriously impressed with IOCell. That ain’t too shabby their reply. I was thinking I could simply add the fan, I’m covered up with them (I’ve saved them from systems since 1994) Been using my fans for fish tank, hermit crab, and pc projects for years.

  8. Note that it must be attached via a switch, not a hub.The single bay models also supportUSB and eSATA as well as ethernet.Despite allegedly working with a switch, when connected via myNetgear GS608 gigabit switch,the NetDISK software couldn’t seethe drive (my PC was connectedto the GS608 too).When both were connected to a Linksys WRT54G2, the PC could see the NetDISK … and got about 8 MByte/sec speed. USB got about 32 MB/sec. As a local hard drive I got 118 MB/sec.I’m returning the device.

  9. I had the same issue about NetDisk software unable to see the drive. That was like 3 years ago when I got the NetGear WGPS606 to hook my NetDisk NDU-160 (yea I got it when it came out) to my router wirelessly. I called NetGear, they were no help. I called NetDisk, they try to help but at then end they blame NetGear. Story short, I gave up and got myself another Linksys. If you are reading this NetDisk… please get with NetGear and fix this issue.

  10. I'm using Ximeta stuff for years, and it was bullet proof. I look for the latest drivers, get sent to a NDAS Survey, apparently hosted by IOCELL. Ok. No more Ximeta? Anyway, put in my idea to beef up NDAS etc. Then I browse around and see the 352. Hey, 2 disks, one NDAS Key! SATA speed & Gbps! Exciting. So do homework. Next land on broo's blog. Looks bad. Meanwhile I open the email. Here is a 25% off coupon in the email to use at the the IOCELL online shop. So I wonder, are they dying to do a sell off or what? Go back to Iocell and see they listened to broo and put a fan in the 352. Maybe these guys are listening? I should have put more ideas in the survey? Now, can anybody tell me that they have a new 352 that works without getting hot. Please let me know before I toss my cash into a 25% off drive toaster!

  11. I just bought one and it has a FAN!but I can't even format my 2 1.5T HD without the device disconnecting.I've tried the latest drivers and various options for configuration (raid 0, stipped, etc).I have two older Ximeta single drive enclosures that they work great. About to return everything.

  12. Thanks a ton mate!! You saved my money. I was about to purchase it from Fry's but thank God i googled before making the payment.

  13. I brought the newer 325ND w/ fan. But it is disconnecting during large file transfer > 2 GB.It was not too hot on touch. Just warm. So not sure if this is thermal issue.I connect directly to the computer and also on the router. Both same result.I really like the idea of NDAS and I brought the one bay version 351UNE.It is working quite well. Have been able to transfer > 20 GB so far. And watch HD movies from it.But the 352ND is still a big disappointment. If it worked, I could have a 4 TB solution.BTW, my harddrive is Samsung 1TB RAID version.

  14. I have the newer version of the 352ND which was sent in as a replacement by IOcell promptly. I'm impressed with the company's customer service.I have been using it without much issue with a single 500GB drive for backups. Transfer rates over the LAN are good. I've heard that RAID configurations are handled by the software, and will slow the data transfer speeds. I like the fact that it can also be hooked by LAN cable to any PC and used like a directly attached external storage.The single speed fan keeps it cool, but is too loud and I have to power it off before going to bed. This leads to issue of running a disk scan via the Vista PC, before the 'net-disk' can be reused for backups. (You can also opt to un-mount it before putting the PC to sleep.)I gave up on using it from my Mac, as it can only be read-write for one system at a time, and doesn't work well over wifi. So for multiple PC's, the disks can be NTFS formatted. (for cross platform, format as FAT from the Mac, not FAT32 from the PC, since it has a 2GB file limit)In short, this is a cost effective solution if:1. You have multiple PC's in a SOHO setup.2. You have all of them wired to a fast (Gigabit) network.3. You want to use this as shared backup device, and not as a shared data store.4. You may use it as a Data Store, but set it up in RAID 1 (mirror) configuration, if slower speed don't matter to your work flow.

  15. Really thorough article there Broo. There is a newer version on the market now, its the NetDISK 351UNE and doesnt have that problem. Thing is…IOCELL only make the shell, the hard drive is put in externally by whoever the distributor has partnered with. Anyway…new version is unreal!! FYI to all: you can get it cheapest online from IOCELL's website

  16. Just got the 352UN. Opened it up and tried to slide a WD 1TB Caviar Black HDD into the chasis.The screw on the HDD binds on the aluminum case so much that it won't go in. Not wanting to use a hammer, it won't go in side A or B. I'm going to remove the electronics and then file the rail.Can't imagine why quality control doesn't findstuff like this.

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