7 comments on “Astak EZ Reader eBook

  1. Great review. I hope your still enjoying your EZreader. I’ve had mine for a little over a month now and I still love it. I haven’t been able to upgrade my firmware yet, I don’t think it likes my SD cards for some reason (they work fine for reading books from though). Also you might want to check out OpenInkpot which is a replacement OS. It’s still under development but some of the reader programs available in it give you more options.

  2. This was a really helpful review on an interesting reader. Did you not use the free 24/7 wireless web browser on the Kindle because you already have web-data service on a cell phone? That is a main reason for the added cost but the lack of native PDF support is not good and I like the ePub support on this one. Could you expand a bit more on some features that are important to some of us on the Kindle 2 as to whether they're available on the Astak EZ and what their functioning is like, if they are?. Inline dictionary. Highlighting of passages. Note taking. Search of book (for name etc). Search of the EZ Reader for the words in any of the books. Display of books only or personal docs only. Can people subscribe to any of the periodicals via some means?. How is navigation on this?. Do you notice much more black reverse display on page turns with a processor half the speed?. Do PDFs with images usually display ok? Even the DX can be slower with these.. Is there a virtual keyboard?The images of the PDF displays is impressive, especially when you can zoom on them and there appears to be rotation.ePub and doc support are another plus. I think if they marketed this for $200 I would just get one as the 6" that could do other material. But if it's missing too many of the above items, it wouldn't be as attractive to some of us who are used to those features, for $250.In the meantime, Amazon should get off its duff and provide native PDF support like a grown-up reader.One other thing. Does this readerhave user-customizable folder support? The Kindle doesn't have it and needs it.Thanks!

  3. Oh, it's $270 after a $20 rebate at Fry's. I went to their ad and they quote a $300 price there. Fairly expensive if there are that many possibly missing features but good for reading formats the Kindle doesn't have. 4 shades of gray vs 16 is meaningful (I can't look at the Kindle 1's images easily anymore) and the 200MHz CPU you pointed out is a bit of a stopper too where illustrations are heavy. Anyway, I've looked since I last wrote and it seems the answers to most of the items would be no… I think it's a tough call for many, as it's not a big savings. And now Borders UK has its own model, which sounds similar actually, on first quick-read.

  4. Hey there-Thanks to your VERY useful screenshots, I went ahead and picked up an EZReader. many thanks to you for your photos and your rationale.RE: the kindle spokesperson (I would say "tool," but that's inappropriate, truly) below…a lot of what you speak of isn't really relevant. I could have paid the same amount for a Kindle 2, but I didn't. Regarding Amazon in general–they've got the right idea, no doubt…but I suspect the eventual "winner" of the e-reader bit, if there ever is one, will be someone who succeeds as Apple did. Both Kindle and Aztak give some good things with their respective e-readers, more than i expected on the EZ Reader front. Right now I'm enjoying it for what it is, a book-holder for classics, all in one place.

  5. Frys is advertising the reader for $199.00, if you put it in your cart it tells you this price. But, the sale ends soon!

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