7 comments on “DGND3300 Router Addendum

  1. Instead of returning the router (I also just bought one) there is an alternative – use universal plug n plug (aka uPNP) which it does support.From any client on your network you can send a uPNP request to the router to map any external port to any internal port on any internal IP address. You need to periodically renew the mapping but can integrate all this with some sort of internal status monitoring – ie only do the mapping while the services are running.Also if all the services are web based then you may find it more effective to run Apache on a server and have it use VirtualHosts/Location directives and ProxyPass/ProxyReverse to map incoming requests to the correct endpoint.

  2. Can someone please supply a pic showing the barcode on the outside of the box this product comes in please. Am in UK & have iPhone app to find cheapest product (not just amazon) thanks. Greg

  3. gonzo: I doubt you will find the US barcode useful over there as they sell a different version in the Uk due to the different wall power plugs; you will need a barcode for the DGND3300-100UKS version. Try typing in 0-60644-906069-0 as the barcode for the Uk version in Red Laser -although Red laser rarely finds the best deals: check out Shop Saavy on the iPhone/Android or Google Shopping via web browser…

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