4 comments on “New Things For Me

  1. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog, you have the exact same interests as myself but you always seem to find the interesting stuff before me. Thanks for what you do.

  2. I'm just wondering why you changed from live mesh to live sync? I have been using mesh and skydrive for about 6 months and the two seem to server the purpose as long as I'm not behind my great firewall at work. Mesh still works but doesn't allow for direct control over my firewall. Cheers.Willey

  3. Willey,I was trying to do a sync of my pictures (about 19,000 for about 40GB) and Mesh would always have conflicts if I tried to manually sync (i.e. put them on a hard drive and copy them to the other system). Live Sync seems to not have this issue (but it is limited to 20,000 items). I also found that Live Mesh was creating 100GB+ of temporay items on my system drive; I am assuming this was from the file conflicts, but it was odd that it was 2.5 times larger than the original folder….I still use Live Mesh for smaller syncs and remote desktop- but I am using Live Sync for my music and pictures (The folders that have 100s/1000s of files).I am now having some issues/limits with Live Sync so I am still looking at options (dropbox for one).

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