2 comments on “Samsung CL65

  1. What is you router security level?Mine is wpa2 with a key encrypted in 64bit but the camera field just accept 35 caracters… i'm stuck on that point to reach my personal network. Did you have any problem to connect yours to your network?

  2. I am using WPA; WPA2 is not supported by a few device I have, a nd if reallysomeone wants into my network, they will eventually get in- WPA2 will only slow then down a little longer.How long is your WPA2 password? 35 characters is a pretty long password to type in. I thought my WPA password was kind of long at 13 characters (I reused a HEX key I used on 64b WEP). A 256b WEP HEX key is 26 characters; that is the longest key I have ever had to type in. On WPA/WAP2 the password length is not mandatory- but the longer and more obscure (i.e. not dictionary words) it is the longer it will take to hack. I would try shortening your WPA2 password. :)

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